Each year we use Oakland Yard for practices twice a year.  In return, Oakland Yard gives us a practice for free (valued at approximately $900, and we help them take down their smaller dome each spring.  This event is on Saturday, April 25th, from 9:30 – 1:30 pm.  We need every parent and student that can help.   It is a slow process that involves removing the metal beams, fasteners for the dome, removing the portable restroom area, and rolling the dome tarps up.  It is a very detailed process that really just needs lots of parents and students.  We have already used our free practice so we are doing this in return for time from last fall, and we want to continue having this opportunity to save this kind of money with Oakland Yard.  We’ve been practicing there for over 20 years.  We really need the help of every parent and student. Please click on the link below to sign up for this: