Each Saturday the band needs water donations and snack donations for post SHOW!  We try and buy the small individual water bottles and usually cookies or something small for the kids to enjoy post show.  If you are able to donate a pack of water (small ones) or cookies for POST SHOW please let Wendy Anderson via email what dates might work for you.

Each Saturday the semi is loaded prior to departure for show and we load the snacks in the front luggage compartment of the semi truck.  If you are able to help one of these DATES PLEASE EMAIL WENDY ANDERSON with what you are able to donate.  BRING the donation on the Saturday of performance date to the semi during loading times (usually around noon).

We would need 80 individual SMALL water bottles, and snacks for 80.

SEPTEMBER 13 — Anderson
September 20
October 4
October 18
November 1