
Just a few reminders for Saturday’s band camp check-in:

1. Band t-shirts – Do not forget to pack them. I have new member shirts and anyone who ordered on the uniform essentials and will hand out at camp. Don’t forget blue shorts for Saturday as well. Seniors bring white shirt for tie dye.

2. Brass students (parents FYI) – Bring swimsuits for waterfront
brass exercises. PARENTS – students are not swimming! They are
warming up in water at mid chest level to work on building
resistance/endurance capacity. They are literally standing in water,
not swimming. Please have some sort of water shoes…beach and waterfront is rocky. Ryan our staff member will be supervising.

3. Everyone– Please bring a snack item to share with the entire group
for evening free time (cookies/chips/pretzels/etc).

4. Parents – please remain with your student until they are checked in.

Thanks everyone,
Mr. Green