Parents, could you please take a moment to discuss with your students (if they were absent this past Saturday from the Special Olympics Opening Ceremony) the importance of ALL events for the marching band and the fact that I still need to know in advance if a student is going to be gone from an event. Approximately 1/3 of the marching band was absent on Saturday, and of that number the majority did not even notify me that they’d be absent.
Being a part of the marching band in the fall comes with a small, but important, year-long commitment to things like the Holiday Parade, Pontiac Parade, Special Olympics, and the Memorial Day Parade. We are committed to this community and we need to do our part as well. I assume that things come up, but since the kids were given the date for this event in August of 2013, they should be responsible enough to notify me in advance of their absence whenever this occurs. I talked about this information for 3 solid weeks in classes, gave the materials to the students, posted it every single day, and did the best I could to reiterate the importance of being here. If you can remind them of their responsibility I would appreciate it very much.
Thank you all, see you at the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 26 in downtown Milford.
Please see the documents page on the website at http://localhost/documents/ for the information page given to the students last month.
Thank you,
Mr. Green