Attention all Marching Band Families,
It is that time of year again…I am starting to compile video and pictures for our banquet “Road” Video of the season. If you are new, at banquet, we celebrate with a video of the season that includes footage from different band events, camp, games, etc, as well as pictures from the year.
I need:
any pictures you think are worth sharing (sent as JPEG via email)
any video you have (either on flash drive or email if you can make this happen) from camp, shows, events, whatever!
SENIOR PARENTS – I need a senior picture (or recent pic if you don’t have a senior pic) and any baby pic/younger kid pics of your student. I need about 5 pictures per kid please…but I will take whatever you can get me. Please scan and email these to me.
I need any/all pictures by Indy please. I want to make sure I have time to do this correctly. Thank you all!!!
Mr. Green