Dear Boosters,

Please read the following two very important announcements:

1.       I have been told by volunteer coordinator Kelly Dernay that we are extremely short of workers for next week’s Winter Show.  As you probably know, this is one of our biggest fundraisers of the year and is what allows us to start the year with enough money to pay deposits, fund our first rehearsals for marching band and generally see us through to the shows in the Fall.  I am urging you to please go to the signup genius or contact Kelly directly (248-804-4498), and to invite your kids and friends to help out.  We’ve all had a nice long break, so let’s jump back in!

Links to SignUpGenius can be found here:


2.      Second, we will have a full Booster meeting on April 15.  Foremost on the agenda will be nominations for Board officers.  Many of our officers are parents of seniors, so we really need new parents to step forward.  If you, or someone you know, would like to serve on our Board, please let one of our officers know on or before April 15.  Our Board will meet in May to put together the 2014-2015 budget proposal and we would welcome anyone who is nominated to attend that meeting.  The budget proposal will be presented for approval at the Booster meeting at the end of May along with election of board officers.

Finally, please continue to check our new website at www.localhost  for up to the minute information.  A big thank-you to Lary Lumsden for getting this up and going and for doing a great job keeping it current.

Scott Beam
LHS Band Booster President