Thursday, November 29th – Marching Band Performance at WLMS

Thursday is the marching band tour at White Lake M.S. We will meet at LHS in the band room, (we have to
work out the game plan at this time) at the start of B Lunch (4th hour) and will change and load the trailer and
leave. You will be excused all of 4th hour so you can eat A LUNCH. We will have to change in to uniforms
very quickly and will leave for White Lake as soon as we can so we have time to set up and spot check. We
will take all wind instruments, guard, and battery with us as we walk over. Pit will go on the trailer. We do 2
assemblies at WLMS due to the gym size. We will be back for the end of the school day so you can catch the
bus if you need to. You will be able to walk back to LHS as soon as we are done and be finished at about 1:50

Do not forget your uniforms for the performance!!! (we are wearing full FALL uniforms THAT WE

We will play all pep music (Let’s Go Blue, Eat Em up, Dr. No, 7 Nations), fight song, national anthem, and the
entire show. We will be out of school from after A lunch until the end of the day.
Please check in with teachers at the start of the week for any work/missed work that needs to be done for